Helping Families Stricken With Cancer
Providing Assistance With Their Financial Needs

Helping Families Stricken With Cancer
Providing Assistance With Their Financial Needs

Our Mission
Dedicated to
Supporting Families
Affected by Cancer
Our Mission
The mission of the Helping Up Foundation is to help families in the Northeastern Illinois area that have been stricken with cancer and to assist with their financial needs.
About Us
When our dear friend Pete was diagnosed with prostate cancer, our son Chase decided that he wanted to do something to help out. He decided to participate in the Relay for Life because his mom organized a mini relay with her students at Everett Elementary School in Lake Forest.
He chose the name Helping Up (Helping Uncle Pete) because to him, Pete is his uncle. We still take part in the Relay for Life, but since Pete’s passing, we decided to make an even greater difference by directly helping the families affected by cancer. Please help us with our mission to honor his memory. The impact we can make together is much greater than what any of us could do alone!
About Us

Annual Schaller Scramble Golf Outing
Donate to help us with our annual fundraising event! In addition to monetary donations, we also accept donations of new items to be raffled off to raise funds. Our Schaller Scramble Golf Outing and raffle is our primary fundraising event of the year, and all donations are auctioned off at a dinner following the day's event. All proceeds help local families battling cancer. You can also help by sharing some creative ideas and sharing our event.
Interested in donating goods or services, or even any special talents? For further information on donating goods or services to the Helping Up Foundation, please contact us.
Schaller Scramble