Featuring Families and People Our Organization Has Helped

The Schaller Family
Pete Schaller was the inspiration behind the Helping Up Foundation in Wauconda, Illinois and their primary fundraiser, the Schaller Scramble Golf Outing. Less than one year after his passing, the foundation presented his family with a monetary grant. The grant was used to defray the costs of hospice care during Pete’s last few months. The family was extremely grateful appreciative for the financial assistance during such a difficult time.
Pete’s wife Jen said, “I’m amazed by the number of people that showed up to support the foundation at the Schaller Scramble. It is truly a testament to how many people loved and cared about Pete.”
For information and to apply for a grant,
please contact us.
Grant Stories

The Bachal Family
When Nina was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), we stepped into a whole new world where a child who was healthy and happy was suddenly fighting for life. Nina has had to endure so much, both physically and emotionally, but she is strong. During her first week of chemotherapy in the hospital, she made this:
It’s been ten months of chemotherapy and surgery. Yesterday, we got the news we have prayed for; her scans are clean. There is no evidence of disease. We didn’t get here alone. So many people sent good wishes and prayed for our family.
The kindness of those who care made it possible to stay positive and believe that we were on the way to health with every day she endured treatment. We have been so blessed by those who reached out to us and offered help along the way.
Your website shows: The mission of the Helping Up Foundation is to help families that have been stricken with cancer and to assist with their financial needs. You didn’t just send us a check; you gave us the gift of sure knowledge that our neighbors and friends care and lifted our spirits to continue the fight.
Thank you so very much for your generosity. We do have a huge financial burden because of co-pays and prescriptions and lost wages while sitting at the hospital for months on end. But we will not use your grant to pay that off. It is time to celebrate Nina’s accomplishment and applaud her strength. We will use the grant that you gave us to fulfill some wishes that are well deserved and earned.
Nina has a wish list that includes a big steak dinner (got that done last night!) and swimming (hasn’t been able to get her chest in water for 10 months) and some other (even bigger) plans for ways to celebrate her health.
With your grant, we can get it all done. Thank you so much for helping us to put the smile back on her face. Our hearts are full of many, many reasons to feel that we have been blessed. May God bless you in return for your thoughtful response to the crisis that our family went through.
The Bachal Family,
Nina, Adam, Andrea, Nancy, and Mike

Chris Bermes
Chris Bermes is a family man, dedicated to his wife Becky and their kids. In 2013, Chris was diagnosed with a form of melanoma and has been undergoing treatment since. In December 2013, Helping Up Foundation provided a financial grant to the Bermes family, which was used to pay medical bills and spend quality family time together.
It is with a heavy heart that Helping Up Foundation announces the passing of Chris Bermes. Chris, who was a grant recipient in 2013, lost his battle with cancer on March 24, 2015. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and many friends who will miss him dearly.